sabato 10 agosto 2013

BALKAN LIGUE - Mid-range Shooting Competition Saturday, 14.09.2013 on the Military shooting range: Bac na Pocku (near Town Pivka - Slovenia). Mid-range Shooting Competition for  BALKAN LIGUE

which will take place on Saturday, 14.09.2013 on the Military shooting range: Bac na Pocku (near Town
Pivka - Slovenia).

 The event will be held in the following shooting disciplines:

1. Sniper rifle, 300 m -optics
2. Sniper rifle, 500 m -optics
3. Sniper rifle, 700 m -optics

The competition it self will start at 8.00 am. In case of bad weather, the match will be postponed to a new termin/date. The notice of this action will be delivered to You by the organizer, at least 24 hours before the scheduled start of the competition on the Slovenian shooting forum

For further information (olso obout reservation for sleep over/vacancies/rooms) please contact us on our official e-mail address:

or Tel. nr.: 00386 (0)70 734 625

Duration of the competition is 25 minutes for each series, followed by changing targets and preparation of new shooters – thate will take aprox. take 20 min., than once aggain followed by new series of shooting for 25 min. in all disciplines (except 700m, which will have double time 25min for prep + 25min for Comp.).

Competitors are entitled to compete on any of the shooting disciplines. Entry fees for Pre-registrated
Shooters will be paid before the competition (25 € for two disciplines (300m+500m) in one Category (TR or OPEN) + extra 5€ for comptiting in other category + another 5€ for competing in discipline 700m). Meal is included in competitor`s fee.. Competitors duty is, to withbring their own Rifle and Ammunition. Non Pre-registrated Shooters will have to pay 30 € Entry fee for two Disc. in one Cat.!!!

Weapons and equipment will be grouped into the next two shooting Categories (close to F-Class shooting):

- Target Rifle (TR) category;
- OPEN category

Conditions for participation in the "Target Rifle" category:

In the category of "TR" are permitted only bipod type front rests, or Backpack (rifle itself must not hold the direction, ie. position toward the targets), behind the rifle (under the stock) is permited only soft seat (cushion, shooter's hand, ...). Competitor in this category can use following Calibers: 7.62 NATO (.308 Win), 5.56Nato (.223 Rem), 8X57IS, and 7,62x54R., muzzle brakes are forbidden, max. Weight of Rifle with Optics and Bi-pod attached is 8.25 kg.

For rifles with optical sights in category "OPEN" there is allowed to use two pointed Rifle Rests, the front one must be hard (bipod, rifle rest, wooden stand, ...) and behind udner the stock a soft rear seat (cushion, rabbit ears,…), and they must be in use seperate way. Caliber is limited up to 8,6mm (Army Shooting
Elaborate), muzzle brakes are permited, weight of Rifle with Optics and Bi-pod, sling, … attached is limited to max. 10.00 kg.

Weapons and ammunition must function safely. Test shots are not showing in any special way to the contester/shooter (each
competitor is therefore required to provide their own equipment -Spotting Scope, binoculars, ...), time for shooting test shots is
included in the total competition time of 25 minutes without interruption for the transition to the competitive part of shooting.

There isn´t any other special restrictions. If a contestant is in doubt about the suitability of weapons, equipment,... should contact the contest organizer's on the official e-mail address!

Penalties: failure to follow instructions/orders of the judge on the line (or other safety officers, range master, head judge,…) interference with other shooters, or any other unsportsmanlike behavior will be followed by the first warning from the judge on the shooting line, the second warning means taking two lap points from the result, the third warning means the disqualification (DQ) of the competitor from the competition. All large violations of the Security (turn weapons against competitors, uncontrolled triggering in any other way except against at the target, shooting before or after the mark of competition,…) is the reason for the disqualification of the shooter. The judge's decision on DQ of individual is final and without possibility of appeal.


• Tthe safe handling of weapons MUST be strictly respected on the contest!
• Arms can handled only by the permit on the shooting line – allowed by judges, and nowhere else, except in a Safety zone!
• Weapons must be pointed in a safe direction! Except during the shooting, arms should always have open bolt or lock. visibly
secured and without an inserted magasine!
• Weaing the protective (hearing and eye protection) equipmen on the range is obligated for all particypants!
• Each competitor competes at his own risk!

SHOOTING RANGE COORD.:   45038'53.05 S 14015'56.44 V
Match Director: LESJAK Rajko
The Match Organisers:SZAA & MSZA

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