domenica 28 aprile 2013

10th edition of the International military shooting competition - 15 June 2013 - Airolo - Switzerland

It is with great pleasure, that Swiss Association of Non-Commissioned Officers of Bellinzona, to invite you to the 10th edition of the International military shooting competition, which will take place in Airolo (Leventina - Switzerland) the 15 June 2013.
The program for the event, the details, rules and directions necessary for the registration are published on our official website:

3. Shooting disciplines
The competition is divided into the following competition Stages:
  •  Stage Fass 90:    Assault rifle 90 SIG 550 - Shooting range at,300 meters – Program A
  •  Stage FASS 90:   Assault rifle 90 SIG 550 - Shooting range at,300 meters – Program B
  •  Stage PIST 75:    Semi-automatic pistol SIG 220 - Shooting range at, 25 meters
  •  Stage SR K31:     Carabine Schmidt Rubin K 31 - Distance Objectives at, 150/200 meters
  •  Stage FASS 57:   Assault rifle 57 SIG 510 -  Distance Objectives at, 150/200 meters
Option shooting stage (not in the competition)
  • Stage Simulator Biathlon               
  • Stage SNIPER 90 : Assault rifle 90 SIG 550 with Kern 4x24 telescopic sight, Shooting range at, 300 Meters
All participant will perform shooting trials using weapons supplied by the Organization

4. Competition application fee
CHF 80.-  to participate, which includes:
  •  Ammunitions
  •  Lunch
  •  Commemorative award
  •  Target fees

5. Overnight stay fee
CHF 25.-  for each attendance, which includes:
  •  Accommodation by the Barrack's rooms of the Civil Protection 
  •  Breakfast

6. Companion fees
CHF 40.- ,which includes:
  •  Accommodation by the Barrack's rooms  of the Civil Protection 
  •  Breakfast
  •  Lunch

7. Inscription
The application shall be forwarded electronically within and not later than the 30th May 2013. Only the first 200 participants will be considered, in admission order.

With the inscription, the person in charge for the group and/or associations, assumes full responsibility about the shooting and weapon manipulation experience of the participants.

  • It is recommended to provide attention to what is described on the Regulation of Competition.
  • To Foreign delegations, please be advised that it requires us time to obtain the Permits for wearing military uniform on Swiss territory.
    While waiting for your registration and in the hope to see many of you in Airolo

    Wir freuen uns, die Schweizerische Unteroffiziergesellschaft von Bellinzona, Sie offiziell zur
    10° Veranstaltung des Internationalen Militär-Wettschiessen dass den 15. Juni 2013 in Airolo (Leventina – Schweiz) stattfinden wird, einzuladen.

    Das Veranstaltungsprogramm, die Details des Wettkampfes, die Vorschriften und die notwendige Angaben für die Anmeldung finden Sie auf unsere offizielle Internet Homepage 

    In der Erwartung Ihrer Anmeldungen und in der Hoffnung Euch zahlreich in Airolo treffen zu können, senden wir Ihnen unsere kameradschaftliche Grüsse. 

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